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Inca Trail Group Service

4 days / 3 nights
Go Back in the past, Go on the Inca Trail, Go with Llama Path!
Inca Trail Group Service

Do not think too much, spaces are selling out!

The Classic 4 day Inca Trail is Peru's number one trek and one of the most well-known and popular treks in the world. Offering 4 days of trekking along original paved Inca pathways, a variety of fascinating Inca sites and the beautiful scenery of the Machu Picchu national park the Inca Trail is one of those things that everyone should do once in their life. Be you young or old, in good shape or bad, the Inca Trail is for everyone and is a must do if you plan to visit Machu Picchu.


Walk through typical andean valleys, grasslands, cloud forests, visit ancient Inca ruins along the way to arrive in Machu Picchu by sunrise!


We have very prossional and knowledgeable Guides and there will never be a moment you'll feel you don't know what to expect each step of the way.  The porters not only carry equipment but there will even have the time to be cheering you along the whole way. In Llama path we really treat the porters with respect. The food is amazing and you cannot think of a meal you do not like. Our chefs will make sure you do not go hungry and will constantly feed you AMAZING food.


If you are looking for a company to go for this trip Llama Path is the one to go with. We will help you along the entire process!


''I had an excellent experience on my trek with Llama Path. The food and service were outstanding. Other tour groups have you camp in between Dead Women's Pass and Runkarakay Pass on the second night, but Llama Path has you complete both passes on day 2 and camp further along the trail. While this makes day 2 pretty strenuous, the further campsite is more quiet and makes for an easier day 3. I highly recommend trekking with this company''



Prices 2024 (from 1st March 2024 to 31 January 2025).

US$790.00 Adults

US$750.00 Students with a valid Student card.


NEW FOR 2024

  • Foam mattresses are included in the price and will be ciarried by our porters
  • If you rent sleeping bag from us porters will carry them for you
  • All taxes included in the price




Inca Trail Availability

We offer daily departures on the Inca Trail (excluding February when the trail is closed) - Check Availability with us by e-mail.

It is strongly recommended to book your Inca Trail at least 4 to 6 months in advance as permits can quickly sell out especially for months April to August.


We leave with a minimum of 2 people. Our average group size range from 8 to 16 people.

About Inca Trail Campsites: 


Campsites may change depending on booking time and availability, weather conditions or on restrictions undertaken for safety reasons by the Peruvian Goverment.



Useful Information

  • Starting Altitude - 2720m / 8920ft.
  • Highest Altitude - 4217m / 13,780ft (Day 2).
  • Total Walking Distance - 45km / 26 miles
  • Longest Day - Day 2, approximately 16km / 9.9 miles
  • Coldest Night - Day 2 around 0º celsius
  • Overall Difficulty - Moderately Difficult to Difficult (depending on your level of fitness).
  • Youngest person we have ever taken: 2 years old.
  • Oldest person we have ever taken: 78 years old.
  • Inca Trail Marathon record: 2h 32
  • Acclimatization is Recommended***


The Inca Trail as seen from a Former Client:



We began our trek (4 days, 3 nights) at the end of August, but we reserved our spots online with Llama Path in February/March.


I would  recommend 1) upgrade to the $50 train ride from Aguas Calientes to Cusco when you are finished at Machu Picchu, and 2) booking a ticket for Huayna Picchu climbing.

We (two 24 year olds, healthy-but-not-crazy-fit) chose to carry our own bags and not pay for the personal porter. We had a little bit of backpacking experience, but we mostly opted to carry our own personal belongings (clothes, sleeping bags, toiletries, etc) to keep our trip costs down. Everyone else on our trek (except 1 other person) utilized a personal porter and were very happy they did. Carrying our own stuff wasn’t bad and we felt great at the end! To each their own :) 

Altitude sickess:


Llama Path recommends that you arrive in Cusco (or another high-elevation city) ~3 days before your departure to acclimate to the altitude. Many people in our hostel and on our trip became altitude sick (headaches, digestive issues, vomiting, basically feeling hungover), but we didn’t. We did have some digestive issues (all controllable, but I will spare you the details) so for that, I would recommend bringing your medicine of choice: Midol, Pepto Bismol, Tums, etc. I didn’t see many people taking the altitude medicine, possibly because it makes you super dehydrated. 

Departure + Trek:

As soon as you arrive in Cusco, you should go to the Llama Path office to check in and pay any remaining (LOcal Payment) dues if you have them. Then, you’ll have a group meet-up the night before you leave to meet your guide and fellow trekkers. They have a presentation and they’ll go through who’s renting what, etc. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY RENT TREKKING POLES. We shared 3 between the 2 of us and it was really helpful. This is also the time to rent a last-minute porter if you are feeling overwhelmed. (If you do end up backpacking, you should bring a little string-bag and leave your spare clothes at your hotel/hostel. it lightened our load quite a bit, and it’s free). This meeting is also when you should remind them if you abide by a different diet than most! 

You will meet your group around 4 am at the Regocijo Square on your departure day and take a bus to the starting point (stopping for breakfast beforehand). If you’re veg, you will be eating a lot of fruit, dry cereal, and bread at this restaurant. They had eggs too. This is check point number one to make sure to bring cash. Breakfast was 40 soles per person. 

The first day was tough because it was hot. Make sure you have water filled, sunscreen on, a bandana/hat, and sunglasses. Most people hiked in pants and a short sleeve t-shirt (end of winter there). 

There are indigenous folks who sell snacks and water/gatorade at various pit stops on days 1 and 2. There are also toilets along the way and you’ll want to bring soles (coin money especially) for these (worth it!) they also sell toilet paper if you need more.


Lunch and dinner were always 3-4 course meals, it was unbelievable that the porters carried that much food. Often times, there was too much food and we would be completely stuffed. 

If you’re veg: the chef will make you your own meals. We had amazing rice, veggies, soups, pasta, I don’t even know what else but it was really really tasty and filling and spiced to perfection. The chef even made a chocolate cake on the last night (how????????????!!!). 

There’s also a dining tent with tables and chairs that they set up for every meal. It’s quite luxurious, almost too luxurious when you think about all the unnecessary weight these porters are carrying. But this is not just a Llama Path thing, and they definitely treat their porters the best out of all the companies operating on the Inca Trail. 


Llama Path trek provides you with a foam sleeping pad but we also had our own sleeping pads the two together was extremely comfy. We also shared a 4-person tent between the two of us and the extra space was delightful. Every night when you arrive to camp (and every morning when they wake you up) they have fresh juice/tea, and individual hot water basins for everyone to wash up in. There were also bathrooms (glorified pit toilets) with running water and sinks at every camp site. The porters will boil water for you every day and night as well.

Your guide:

We cannot express enough gratitude for our guides our lead guide, is probably one of the smartest people I’ve ever met. He expertly infused our trip with history, Incan and Peruvian culture, geology, sustainability, and eco-tourism. Our Guide made a difference in each of our group members' lives, and I can only hope that you are lucky enough to have him as your guide and experience his amazing speeches at the Inca sites and dinner each night! 

Our assistant guide, was truly amazing and helpful. On the first day, there were two people who had to turn back due to altitude sickness, and he accompanied them. We didn’t see him for most of the trip, but on Day 3 we were approaching the last Incan Site before Machu Picchu and ran into him (he had entered the trail backwards and came to meet us) and I cannot express how happy we were to see him! 

The trek:

You will see so many amazing sites along the way while you’re hiking, and they get progressively cooler as you go further along. I won’t give away any spoilers. 

When you arrive at Machu Picchu, you will need to pay 5 soles to stow your bag (unless you have a tiny backpack, that will probably be fine to keep on you). You’ll go through Machu Picchu with your guide and after an hour or two, the group will part ways and most (if not all) will go to hike Huayna Picchu, which is an hour-long, very, very steep but really fun hike/climb (if you’re into that sorta thing) that gives you the “overlook” view of Machu Picchu that you see in all the photos. Highly recommend, and you should book that months in advance with Llama Path.

When you’re done, you’ll take the free bus shuttle down to Aguas Calientes and grab food, souvenirs, have a drink, etc before you board your train back to Cusco. 

LGBTQ+ experience:

Everyone on our trek was very inclusive and we had zero problems while we were on the trail. I’ll add that throughout the rest of our Peruvian adventures, we laid-low, but still shared a single-bed hotel room in multiple cities and never had an issue. 

Things we highly recommend packing for the trek:

-Lot’s of cash — you should probably bring about 500-600 soles per person on the trek just in case because your tips will depend on how big your group is and there’s no ATM until after you leave Machu Picchu (the porters leave before you get to MP, so there is no other opportunity to tip them, and they deserve it). Keep in mind that you "should" tip the chef, the porters, your guide, and your assistant guide. 

-Toilet paper (1 roll per person on the trek)
-Mid-sized quick-dry towel (don’t skimp and bring the small one, we screwed that up)
-Hand sanitizer 
-First aid + digestive meds, ibuprofen 
-Bug spray
-Head lamp
-Quick-dry clothing (no cotton)
-Sunglasses and a hat/neck cover
-Shower shoes to let your feet air out after hiking and after the one shower available on day 3 (very cold water!) 


4 Day Inca Trail - Group Service Map


Very Important: Campsites may vary depending on booking time, weather conditions or on restrictions undertaken for safety reasons by the Peruvian Goverment.

Day 1: Cusco - Km82 - Ayapata


''The Inca Trail is for your mind, Not for your feet... '' (Llama Path Guides' Saying)


Pick up time : 4:30 am


Our adventure through this magical adventure will start very early, we will start the tour at 4:30 am from Regocijo square (historical center of Cusco) unfortunately the streets here in Cusco are very narrow and we have a bus with comfortable seats and for us it is impossible to pick you up from the hotels because of the narrow streets however our meeting point is very strategic located in the historical center of Cusco.


We will travel by bus for approximately 3:30 minutes, traveling through beautiful landscapes in the Sacred Valley, approximately 6:30 am we will make a stop to buy breakfast (not included),We will stop at this point for about 30 minutes where you can buy breakfast and use the restrooms and then we will return to board our bus to continue our journey to the beginning of the hike (Kilometer 82).


The first day of the Inca Trail is easy going to help you settle in to the trek. Covering 14km of the trail climbing gently up the Cusichaca Valley you pass by the Inca site of Llactapata, enjoy great views of the snow-capped peak Veronica (5900m / 19000ft) and get to see a variety of native plant life and birds throughout the day.


Our campsite for the night is at Ayapata (3300m / 10829ft) which is a little further along the trail than most groups go; as we're camping further up the trail the next day's trek up to the pass is a little easier for us and with fewer tourists at the campsite we can enjoy the peace and tranquility of this beautiful place.


  • Accommodation: Camping facilities (Tents for every two hikers)
  • Distance: 12kms/7.5mls (about 7 hours hiking)
  • Difficulty: Easy/Moderate

Day 2: Ayapata - Chaquicocha



Today is considered by many to be the hardest day of the trek; with 2 high passes (Dead Woman's Pass is the highest at 4200m / 13779ft) to cross and nearly 16km to walk today really tests your spirit. There's no need to worry though as thanks to our enthusiastic guides and team of porters helping you along you'll have all the morale and physical support you need to make it.


Today we get fantastic views of the high mountain ranges as we cross the 2 passes and will have the chance to visit 2 Inca sites (Runcuraccay and Sayacmarca). We will also see a variety of plant and life in the Polylepsis forests that cover this area and hopefully spot White Tailed Deer as we near Dead Woman's Pass. Our campsite tonight is at Chaquicocha (3600m / 11800ft) which like Ayapata is one of the quieter campsites and affords beautiful views of the sunsetting over the mountains in the distance.


  • Accommodation: Camping facilities (Tents for every two hikers)
  • Distance: 16kms/10mls (about 10 hours hiking)
  • Difficulty: Moderate/challenging

Day 3: Chaquicocha - Winay Wayna

Having made it over the 2 passes yesterday we're now treated to a relaxing day through some of the most beautiful scenery the Inca Trail has to offer. With a relatively short distance to cover along what is known as Inca Flat (gentle ascents and descents) we get to enjoy the lush and verdant cloud forest around us and the spectacular views of the Andes in the distance.


With visits to 2 Inca sites (Phuyupatamarca and Winay Wayna) this is by far one of the most impressive days of the trek. Our campsite for tonight is at Winay Wayna (2680m / 8792ft) which we will arrive to be early afternoon and get to have an extended guided tour of once we have settled in.



  • Accommodation: Camping facilities (Tents for every two hikers)
  • Distance: 10kms/6.2mls (about 5 hours hiking)
  • Difficulty: Moderate


Day 4: Winay Wayna - Machu Picchu

Today is the highlight of the trek. Waking up early you head straight to the checkpoint to enter Machu Picchu and once the site opens can carry on to the Sun Gate where you'll get your first fantastic views of Machu Picchu.


On arrival to Machu Picchu you'll have a 2 hour guided tour , You can only visit Machu Picchu once through circuit number 3  CIRCUITO-3-07-07-2022_compressed.pdf (machupicchu.gob.pe) during which you'll learn about the Incas and visit all the most important areas of the citadel. After your tour you'll have free time to explore the site by yourslef and if you have permits to climb either Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu mountain. In the afternoon you will take the train back to Ollantaytambo from where you will carry on by bus back to Cusco.

About Inca Trail Campsites: 


Campsites may change depending on booking time and availability, weather conditions or on restrictions undertaken for safety reasons by the Peruvian Goverment.


Video Brieffing of the 4 Day Inca Trail, Group Service.


Inca Trail Group Service Map


  • Professional English Speaking Tour Guide
  • Assistant Tour Guide for groups of 9+
  • Chef
  • Porters to carry cooking utensils , food , chairs,tents,kitchen tents
  • Pick-up from Plaza Regocijo
  • Transportation by bus to Km82
  • Return transportation by train and bus to Cusco
  • Water (excluding the first 4 hours of the trek when you need to bring your own)
  • 3 Breakfasts, 3 Lunches, 3 Afternoon Snacks and 3 Dinners. If you have a dietary request such as vegetarian food please let us know.
  • Dining tent with tables and chairs
  • 4 man tent for every 2 trekkers
  • Sleeping foam mattress
  • Oxygen bottle
  • First aid kit
  • Entrance to the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu
  • Bus from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes

NEW FOR 2024

  • Foam mattresses are included in the price and will be ciarried by our porters
  • If you rent sleeping bag from us porters will carry them for you
  • All taxes included in the price







Due to New goverment regulations for the Inca Trail it will be 100% PROHIBITED to TAKE PLASTIC WATER  BOTTLES. We believe that in the first days  the new enforced regulations may NOT be 100% controlled however as the days go it will be more and more strict therefore WE KINDLY suggest you getting your aluminum plastic bottles to avoid any dissapointment at the check points along the Inca Trail and in the Machu Picchu citadel.




As a way to avoid any inconvenience with our clientes Llama Path offers 0.700ml aluminum water bottles FOR SALE at the office for as liitle as 10 Soles (USD8.00). 


Aluminum water bottles can also be bought in many different shops around the main square. 


Also, if you are still at home and ready to fly to Peru for your trek we recommend you bringing aluminum water bottles or camel bags. 


We look forward to meeting you


Does Not Include

  • Sleeping Bag (Can be hired from us).
  • Personal Porter (Need to be hired well in advance).
  • Inflatable mattress (can be hired from us).
  • Walking poles (can be hired from us).
  • Breakfast on Day 1 and lunch and dinner on Day 4.
  • Entrance to Huayna Picchu Mountain (this 2 hour round trip needs to be booked in advance).
  • Entrance to Machu Picchu Picchu Mountain (this 3 hous round trip needs to be booked in advance).
  • Tips (the amount you tip (or if you tip)  is a personal decision and it is NOT an obligation.
  • Travel Insurance - you are strongly recommended to take out travel insurance for the duration of your trip.
  • Lunch and dinner on the last day
  • Visit to the thermal baths in Aguas Calientes. It is a very relaxing way to finish the hike while waiting for the return train. The baths are only 15 minutes from the center of town and the entrance fee is 25 soles per person. You can rent bath towels in Aguas Calientes.

PLEASE NOTE: Times provided may vary depending on your acclimatization and level of fitness..

PLEASE NOTE if you haven't been rent a personal porter your personal things will be carry by your own


What you need to take

  • Original Passport
  • Student Card (if you are a student and have booked in advance to qualify for the discount)
  • Sleeping bag (can be hired from us).
  • Walking sticks (can be hired from us).
  • Walking boots
  • Waterproof jacket / rain poncho
  • Warm jacket, hat and gloves
  • T-shirts
  • Comfortable Trousers
  • Sun hat & sunglasses
  • Sun cream (factor 35 or higher)
  • Insect repellant
  • Toiletries and hand sanitiser
  • Personal medication
  • Camera and film
  • Torch with spare batteries

Optional: Sandals, bathing suit etc.

Prices 2024 (from 1st March 2024 to 31 January 2025).

US$790.00 Adults

US$ 750.00 Students with a valid Studend card.


Price for 2024

PRICES FOR 2024 (For groups leaving from 1st March 2024 to 31 January 2025):


US$ 790.00 Adults

US$ 750 Student and Under 18's Discount: US$40.


NEW FOR 2024

  • Foam mattresses are included in the price and will be ciarried by our porters
  • If you rent sleeping bag from us porters will carry them for you
  • All taxes included in the price



Under 18's Discount: US$40


Please note that according to the Government the requirements to apply for the student discount are as follows:


  • Student card must be specified the current year you enter on the hike/trip (2024)
  • It must have an issue date and expiration date.
  • Student card has to be issued by the university
  • The student must not be older than 25 years old
  • Student Card has to contain the following: university information, personal information of the student, photo of the student.
  • ISIC card are not valid anymore. 


Additional/Extras NOT Included (Need to book in Advance):

  • Machu Picchu Mountain climbing:  USD 85.00 
  • Huayna Picchu Mountain climbing: USD 85.00
  • Vistadome/Panoramico 360° Train upgrade: FROM USD50.00 (Please check).
  • Extra Night in Aguas Calientes: Depends on the type of Hotel desired.

Optional Extras:

  • Personal Porter (half) to carry 8kg of personal items US$ 95.00
  • Full Porter to carry 16kg of personal items US$190.00 (can be share by two people)
  • Sleeping Bag US$30
  • Set of walking stick US$16
  • Inflatable Mattress US$25
  • Single Tent Supplement US$35 (Price of the tour included tents for every two hikers but but if you are a solo traveler and do not want to share your tent with a stranger, you have the option of renting a single tent for an additional cost. 

If you are looking for accommodation in Cusco or Lima, we have a special offer,  a private apartment (AirBnB) in Cusco and Lima, please email us to info@llamapath.com if you are interested in our AirBnB.



How to book:


You can either book by emailing us or by using the Booking form on this site.


By e-mail:


Send us your main Departure date and back up date: By providing us with a main date and a back up date for your trek (classic Inca Trail, Lares, Salkantay, etc) you automatically authorize Llama Path to use either of these dates for your reservation. Llama Path within the next 48 hours (after you have sent us your booking form and confirm deposit was made) will send you an electronic receipt confirming your trek has been officially booked and also to confirm the exact departure date of your trek.


Sending your Personal Details for Booking: Your passport number and other information must be valid. Please advise if you change your passport number after booking the tour (especially for booking the classic Inca Trail as if we do not make a change in your official details, you may not be permitted to do the trek). Please Note changing passports' numbers requires an extra fee (we are able to change passports numbers easily on our receipt but its also extremely important that we make the changes with the Inca Trail authorities) and please is important that the information that you send need to be exactly as appear in your passport.

Student rate: In order to obtain this discount you must have a valid University Student card (and be NO older than 25 YO). It is important you scan and e-mail this to us at the time of booking and that it is valid on the date you are booked on the Inca Trail/alternative trek (you will need to show the real University card upon your arrival here in Cusco and in Machu Picchu).


Payment of deposit: 

1. For the classic Inca Trails: 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 or 7 days (Group or Private Service)

We request a non-refundable deposit per person along with personal details of each member participating in the trek:

  • Full name 
  • Passport number,
  • Gender,
  • Nationality,
  • DOB

 Payment of deposit amount is (no fees applied):

  • US$300 per person for the Inca Trail only Or
  • US$385 per person for the Inca Trail + Wayna Picchu or Machu Picchu climbing 
  1. PLEASE: Make sure to add the fees associated with your PayPal / VISA transaction (aprox. 4.5%) Llama Path will be sending  you a receipt indicating the exact amount we received from you and the amount of the balance to be paid upon your arrival in Cusco.

  • Please confirm if you want to climb Wayna Picchu (the 45 minute climb near Machu Picchu site) or Machu Picchu as they need to be booked well in advance too; there are 2 time sessions:
  • 7 - 8am or
  • 10 – 11am – this also needs to be specified although you need to be flexible to either time.

Please note, if you get the permits for the 7am start you will probably have to miss the Machu Picchu guided tour.

Payment of the deposit can be made through any of the 2 following options:


Go to www.paypal.com  and if you have an account, enter your account information (username and password).

Choose the option ´send money´ to: deposits@llamapath.com   (IMPORTANT: please ensure you choose the option ‘purchase’ and ‘services’. Do not choose the option ‘personal’).

  Click here to  Pay by VISA 

At the end of the transaction, you will have a screen with an order number. Please send an email confirming deposit and the order number you
have been given.

About the Briefing: The night before your trek there will be a pre-trek talk (briefing) in our office at either 4:00pm or 5:00pm (exact time will be confirmed on your arrival or by email). Your duffle bag will be provided at this time if you have paid for an extra porter for your Inca Trail or if you are doing an alternative trek.


The Local Payment (Payment of final Balance): We require you to pay your final balance in cash (Soles or USA dollars) in our office at least 48 hours prior to tour/trek departure (please advise if you have any delays on arrival).

The Local Payment (Payment of final Balance) can be paid in cash and in US dollars or Peruvian soles (if paying in Soles it will be applied the exchange rate of the day).



  • Deposit sent for is Non-Refundable nor transferable to any other date, person or tour (According to Inca Trail and Machu Picchu Regulations).
  • Llama Path must be notified of any changes or cancellations to your trip as soon as you are aware of them, via e-mail so that we do not incur expenses not covered by deposit.
  • Once final balance has been paid, we will not be able to refund your trek payment in the case of cancellations. There will, however, be parts of your trip that you are able to use (Machu Picchu entrance fee, 1 train ticket, 1 bus ticket).
  • A claim letter for your insurance company can also be provided by us upon request.
  • Porter service hired can Not be cancelled (a fee is paid for booking this service).


Llama Path Terms and Conditions


DEFINITIONS: The definitions below will apply throughout these terms and conditions:

  1. Client means a person who books a trip offered by Llama Path and includes all participants that person may book a trip on behalf of;
  2. Day Tour means any Trip offered by Llama Path that only lasts one day in duration;
  3. Deposit means
    1. For Treks: USD $300 per participant, per Trek, payable to Llama Path at the time of booking the Trek. If a Client wishes to do Wayna Picchu Mountain, or Machu Picchu Mountain, the deposit will be $385 for all Inca Trail treks and any alternative treks e.g. Salkantay, Lares,Vilcabamba.
    2. PLEASE: Make sure to add the fees associated with your PayPal / VISA transaction (aprox. 4.5%) Llama Path will be sending  you a receipt indicating the exact amount we received from you and the amount of the balance to be paid upon your arrival in Cusco.
    3. For Peru Itineraries: 50% of the total itinerary price, payable to Llama Path at the time of booking the Trip.
  • For Day Tours: 50% of the total tour price, payable to Llama Path at the time of booking the Trip.
  • Once the deposit is received, we proceed to purchase the permits and all services immediately through the Peruvian Goverment.
  1. Llama Path means Llama Path, a fully licensed, professional tour operator, based in Cusco, Peru and includes any employees, and associated persons of the company;
  2. Peru Itinerary means a multi-day Trip offered by Llama Path where trekking is not the main activity.
  3. Terms means these terms and conditions, as may be updated by Llama Path from time to time;
  4. Trek means a Trip where trekking is the main activity;
  5. Trip means any trip, tour or trek offered by Llama Path and booked by a Client.
  1. ACCEPTANCE: The Client agrees that the Client will be bound by these Terms upon payment of the Deposit.
  2. APPLICATION AND TERM: These Terms apply to all Trips from the date that a Deposit is paid, until the date the Trip finishes.
  3. PRICE: The prices of all Trips offered by Llama Path are as listed in the Llama Path offices and on the Llama Path website, and may be updated by Llama Path from time to time. All prices are based on double accommodation, an extra charge will be applied for single accommodation in case of Alternative treks and shot Inca Trail.
  5. Deposit: the Client may pay the Deposit using one of the following two methods:
    1. PayPal: using www.paypal.com the option must be selected to ‘send money’ to the address deposits@llamapath.com, as a purchase of services, not a personal payment.
    2. Visa: follow the prompts to pay the Deposit using https://www.multimerchantvisanet.com/formularioweb/formulariopago.aspx, found on the payment section of the Llama Path website. The Client will receive an order number, and this must be sent in an email to Llama Path confirming the deposit has been paid.
  6. Balance: Following payment of the Deposit, the balance payable for a Trip is due as follows
    1. For Treks and Day Tours: no more than 48 hours before the first day of the Trek, at the Llama Path offices. Payments may be made in cash in USD or Peruvian soles (using the exchange rate on the day). If a Client is unable to comply with this clause, Llama Path must be notified at least 48 hours before the Trip, and will have full discretion as to whether late payment will be permitted.
    2. For Peru Itineraries: no less than two weeks before the start date of the Trip, using the PayPal method described in clause 5ai. If a Client is unable to comply with this clause, Llama Path must be notified at least two weeks before the Trip, and will have full discretion as to whether late payment will be permitted.
  7. AVAILABLE DATES: When a Client sends a booking enquiry to Llama Path, they must provide a range of dates that they are available to travel. Llama Path will prioritize the Client’s preferential dates, however the Client authorizes Llama Path to use any of the dates in the range provided by the Client to book a Trip.


  1. STUDENT AND UNDER 18’S DISCOUNT: A discount will be provided to students aged 25 or under, and persons under the age of 18, at the date the Trip begins. The amount of such discount will be advised by Llama Path. Students must send a copy of a valid university identification card to Llama Path at the time of booking, the identification must be valid for the duration of the Trip, and the physical card must be presented upon arrival in Cusco.
  2. TRANSFERS: The Client is not permitted in any way whatsoever to transfer a Deposit, including to a different Trip, date, to any other person, or to the balance of another Trip or person.




a)  If a Trip is cancelled or a Client wishes to leave a Trip, for any reason, the Deposit and any balance paid will not be refundable, . If the Trip has been paid in full, there may be components that the Client can still use, such as the Machu Picchu entrance, train ticket and bus ticket.

b) Deposit is non refundable , , non transfarable to another tour ,date or person Because the permits are purchased through the Peruvian government and due to their rules the permits are not transferable and no refundable.

c)  Refunds will be provided for Day Tours (City Tour , Sacred Valley , Southern Valley , Maras Moray , River Rafting , Rainbow Mountain , Humantay Lake) as follows:

  1. 100% refund of the Deposit if Llama Path receives notice of the cancellation at least 30 days before the date of the Day Tour (City Tour , Sacred Valley , Southern Valley , Maras Moray , River Rafting , Rainbow Mountain , Humantay Lake) does not apply for hiking treks.
  2. 50% refund of the Deposit if Llama Path receives notice of the cancellation between 15 and 29 days before the date of the Day Tour;
  • For day tours ,No refund of the Deposit will be provided if Llama Path receives notice of the cancellation less than 15 days before the date of the Day Tour.
  • ALTERATION BY LLAMA PATH: The Client acknowledges that travelling in Peru requires flexibility, patience, and understanding that changes may be required. Llama Path may at any time alter a Trip’s itinerary, due to any circumstances that may occur beyond its reasonable control, and will not be liable for any such change


11.FORCE MAJEURE: Llama Path is not responsible or liable where any force majeure event or circumstance occurs which is beyond the control of Llama Path, including but not limited to acts of God, civil or military disturbances, extreme weather, disease, technological interruptions, labour strikes, or acts of war or terrorism . The Client recognizes that Llama Path may need to alter, or even cancel, a Trip in response to a force majeure event or circumstance, and will not be liable for any such alteration or cancellation.


12. PROTEST OR STRIKE EARLY DEPARTURE: In the event of a protest or a strike, which may affect the itinerary of a Trip, Llama Path, at its discretion, may decide to leave early for the Trip in order to provide the best service possible. In such cases, Llama Path will charge an increment to cover the extra costs incurred, such amount as to be determined by Llama Path, depending on the circumstances


13. HOLIDAY OR ELECTION EXTRA CHARGE: Where a Trip takes place on one or more of any of the following days, due to reasons of public holiday, or elections in Peru, an extra charge per person, per Trip will be applied: December 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, January 1, and any day that an election may fall on. The extra charge will be determined by Llama Path (35 usd), and covers staff’s fines for missing elections, or is a bonus for staff missing a public holiday.

  • EVACUATION: If a Client is not able to complete a Trip, transport costs back to Cusco or the final destination of the Trip, in the case of medical emergency will be covered by the Client. Any other loss, damage or costs related to a Client’s evacuation from a Trip and additional emergency services will also be the Client’s responsibility. The Client agrees to abide by all Llama Path’s guides’ decisions in all circumstances where a Client needs to be evacuated for any reason from a Trip CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES
    1. Insurance: Llama Path strongly recommends that the Client purchases adequate travel insurance to cover any cancellations, delays, medical expenses, emergencies, interruptions due to unforeseen circumstances, and loss or damage of personal possessions or equipment that may occur in relation to a Trip. The Client acknowledges that the Client is responsible for all loss or damage suffered by the Client, except as expressly provided in these Terms.
    2. Risk: The Client acknowledges that Trips are adventurous, and inherently involve a certain amount of personal risk, especially Treks. The Client accepts responsibility for all risks associated with a Trip and agrees to neither sue, nor hold liable in any way, Llama Path, or any of its employees for any loss, damage or injury suffered by a Client in relation to a Trip.
    3. Guide authority: The Client agrees that Llama Path guides have full and final authority on all matters and decisions in relation to the Trip, and the Client will act in good faith to follow such authority and advice of Llama Path guides.
    4. Preparation: The Client acknowledges that although Llama Path will act in good faith to assist the Client during the Trip, it is the Client’s sole responsibility to ensure that the Client is adequately prepared for the Trip with the correct gear, and any special medial or dietary requirements that he or she may require. 
      1. Passport Validity: The Client must ensure that their passport is valid for at least six months from the date of their arrival in Peru. This is a Peruvian government requirement, and failure to do so may result in permission being denied to enter the country.
      2. It is the responsibility of each tourist to check the requirements to enter Peru before organizing a tour in our country.
      3. Visa to visit Peru: It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure sure they organize and fulfill the visa requirements, if any, required for their entry and stay in Peru;
      4. Acclimatization: The Client acknowledges Llama Path’s very strong recommendation that the Client stays in Cusco, or another high altitude city above 3,000 meters, for at least three days before starting a Trek. This will help minimize any possible effects of altitude sickness.
  1. GEAR: Llama Path require that an additional price be paid by the Client to hire certain gear items that a Client borrows for a Trek. Such prices are listed on the Llama Path website, and may be updated by Llama Path from time to time at its sole discretion.
  2. PORTERS ON THE INCA TRAIL: Llama Path uses porters on the Inca Trail to carry cooking equipment and tents. This does not include sleeping bags or sleeping mats, these are the Client’s responsibility. A Client may hire an extra porter to assist them in carrying their personal belongings, including their sleeping bag and sleeping mat, however this will require payment of an extra cost, found on the Llama Path website.
  3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Llama Path’s total liability to the Client is limited, to the maximum extent permitted by law, to the amount of money paid to Llama Path by the Client. Llama Path will be in no way liable for any further loss or damage suffered by the Client except as expressly provided in these Terms.
  4. GOVERNING LAW: These Terms shall be governed by the laws of Peru and the Client and Llama Path agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Peru in relation to any dispute regarding these Term
  5. For tours outside of Cusco we work with our partners, reliable companies with many years of experience, we always make sure to provide you with the best possible experience through them.
  6. Prices are subject to change due to social, economic, political and other reasons that prevent us to continue doign our tours with the prices agreed upon prior to the reservation.
  7. Confirmation According to the authorities it is very important to confirm your reservation 24 hours before the tour so you have to confirm your presence at the tour at least 24 hours in advance.

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Request information

© Llamapath 2003 - 2024 All rights reserved
Address: Cuychipunku street 257, Cusco
Email: info@llamapath.com or reservations@llamapath.com 
Tourist enquires: Mon- Sat (9am - 1pm and 3pm - 8pm / - 5GMT):

Cellphone: +51 959 507 001  
Out of office cellphone: +51 956 122 696

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