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Sustainable Tourism

At Llamapath, we are proud of our efforts to promote and practice sustainable tourism. We believe that sustainable tourism encompasses:

  • Conservation of biological and cultural diversity.
  • Sustainable use of ecological resources to ensure minimal impact.
  • Support for local economies through increased local revenue, jobs for local populations, and use of local supplies and services, all of which help communities to improve their standard of life.
  • Community empowerment by encouraging participation in management of local tourism activities.
  • Increased environmental and cultural awareness that further encourages local communities to preserve the environment.
  • Minimal environmental impact on local resources by the tourism industry.


How Llamapath is making a difference


Our Porters, “The Red Army”, are known for being the the best treated of all the porters on the Inca Trail. We provide good quality equipment, uniforms, a fair and legal wage, and insurance for all our porters. This ensures their wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of their families and the communities they come from.


Our porters are part of the Llamapath family, so we also provide them with clean and comfortable accommodation here in Cusco, known as the Llamapath Culture House (more information below). This gives them an area where they can relax before and after treks, as many of them live several hours from the city. We also organise social events, such as parties to celebrate the beginning and end of the season, as well as weekly football matches.


Llama Path Culture House

The Llama Path Culture House is a community project set up by Llamapath to help under-privileged children from the local community, support our porters, and also provide a local experience for travellers. It is located in the town of Poroy, just a short drive northwest of Cusco.


The first floor of the building is provided for our porters, in recognition of their physically demanding and impressive work. It is a space where they can rest and recupérate before and after the hikes, in a comfortable and safe environment.


The second floor is dedicated to the Poroy children who come here after school. They receive help and support with their homework, opportunities to improve their reading, practice sports, and get creative with craft activities. The space includes a library, group and individual work spaces, a video room and kitchen facilities. Our aim is to give the children a better education, motivate them to work hard, and expose them to different cultures and experiences.


The third and fourth floors are used as a guest house for our travellers who would like to stay here for an authentic, local experience. There are bedrooms, a living area and kitchen, as well as a beautiful terrace where they can enjoy the incredible surrounding views. By choosing to stay at Llama Path Culture House, you will be providing support to our porters and the local children of Poroy.     

<>Our commitment to the environment: As a tourist agency, we feel that it is our responsibility to keep Peru pristine and beautiful for future generations to come. On all our treks, we do everything we can to ensure we leave as little impact as possible. We educate all our guests to be respectful of the Inca sites we visit, and to always bring their garbage with them off the trails. We use recyclable and reuseable products as much as we can, as well as environmentally friendly products and solar lamps. The materials we use are Peruvian made to keep our carbon footprint as low as possible.

Cleaning up the treks: As you can imagine, with hundreds of tourists trekking to Machu Picchu every day, the routes can end up pretty dirty over the course of the year. Although we do our part, taking all our garbage with us, not everyone is as vigilant as we are so we organise clean up treks during the off-season. We have many hands from our army of porters and guides, so it doesn't take long to collect the plastic bottles and other garbage to return the trails to their original condition.


We are proud of our responsible and sustainable tourism practices, and thank-you for continuing to support the beautiful environment of Peru by choosing Llama Path!


Our programs

Request information

© Llamapath 2003 - 2024 All rights reserved
Address: Cuychipunku street 257, Cusco
Email: info@llamapath.com or reservations@llamapath.com 
Tourist enquires: Mon- Sat (9am - 1pm and 3pm - 8pm / - 5GMT):

Cellphone: +51 959 507 001  
Out of office cellphone: +51 956 122 696

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